An aggressive invasive aquatic plant new to our waters, curly-leaf pondweed, has been identified in the serpentine — the "stream" that flows between East and North Ponds.
Soon after learning how to identify aquatic plants at a 7 Lakes Alliance training, volunteer Bonnie Jones spotted a suspicious-looking plant in the waterway between East Pond and North Pond. 7 Lakes Alliance Invasive Aquatics experts identified it as curly-leaf pondweed. This which was later confirmed by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Lake Stewards of Maine. The 7 Lakes Alliance team, along with Maine Department of Environmental Protection and Lake Stewards of Maine immediately conducted surveys confirming multiple plants in the area leading to the dam at East Pond. Assessments are being made to determine if the curly-leaf pondweed infestation has spread throughout the stream or into East Pond and North Pond. Once the situation has been fully assessed, a comprehensive management plan will be developed. Courtesy Boat Inspectors are aware that the aggressive curly-leaf pondweed is in the watershed. They will continue to inform boaters to be vigilant about keeping boats and gear clean and to avoid areas of infestation.