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The Life of the Land and Lakes is In Our Hands.

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- Resources -

Changes in the Weather

Climate Change Impacts on Lakes

As weather patterns change, so do the challenges facing organizations, all levels of government, and landowners working to restore, protect and conserve lakes in the Belgrades, throughout Maine and beyond. A growing body of both scientific and popular literature describes myriad impacts and challenges. These challenges can impact 7 Lakes Alliance's mission to conserve the lands and waters of the Belgrade Lakes region for all, so we are working to understand and collaborate with colleagues on climate-related challenges to our lakes. By keeping abreast of science and on-the-ground solutions, we will remain positioned to protect our lakes well into the future.




Climate Knowledge:  7 Lakes Hosts State Climatologist Sean Berkel:


In July, 2019, Maine State Climatologist Sean Birkel spoke to an engaged audience on climate resilience. Focused on ice sheet and climate modeling, Dr. Birkel is currently working on programs that will make climate models accessible to the public. The talk included discussion of climate in the historical record, the rise of invasives, the spread of tick-borne illnesses, and extreme weather events. He also talked about how our lakes are affected by these changes. The PowerPoint that accompanied the presentation can be viewed here.


Among the programs Sean Birkel is working on is the Climate Reanalyzer. This is an online platform for visualizing climate and weather datasets through interactive maps and charts. You can access current and historical climate information through interfaces for reanalysis and historical station data. It also provides a ten-day forecast. See the link below.





7 Lakes Science: Maine Water Conference


“Early indications of climate impacts on Maine Lakes: A case study from the Belgrades”, a 2019 Maine Water Conference presentation by our Water Quality Science Director Dr. Danielle Wain, board member Dr. Peter Kallin and Colby College’s Dr. Whitney King.


Click Here




Kennebec Journal,  7/21/19

7 Lakes Alliance works to remove, prevent spread of milfoil on Great Pond
Property values, recreation opportunity, ecology, biodiversity at risk if invasive plant spreads.




Summertime in the Belgrades,  8/16-8/22 - 2019

Changing Climate, Changing Need for Vigilance, Resources
to Protect Belgrade Lakes Watershed




Selected Organizational, Governmental and Academic Resources for Climate Change


Climate-related impacts to lakes and the lands that protect lake watersheds is widely documented. Watershed stewards who are knowledgeable about climate-related issues from global, and a general knowledge of these issues can help improve stewardship efforts.


To this end, this resource is intended to connect interested lake and land stewards, officials and citizens with some key information sources to enable them to learn more about, prevent and mitigate climate resources and become involved through personal action.  While not comprehensive, it provides an abundance of helpful information here as well as contacts that provide much more.  For more information, feel free to contact us at



Maine Water Conference 2019: 


Lakes Environmental Association: LEA is a regional non-profit organization, funded by members, focused on protecting lakes and water quality in western Maine. LEA’s mission is to preserve and restore the high water quality and the traditional character of Maine’s lakes, watersheds and related natural resources. The long-term survival of Maine’s lakes is critical to present and future generations.


Colby Climate Project:  Colby College and 7 Lake also collaborate on lake science monitoring


Maine Climate Table: Founded in 2013, the Climate Table is a broad, non-partisan partnership that, as of March 2018, includes participation from over 150 individuals and organizations from the business, nonprofit, philanthropic, and government sectors in Maine. The Climate Table’s vision is to create a state-based model for climate initiatives that increases broad civic engagement and leads to climate action.


Volunteer Lake Stewards of Maine:  2019 conference and Newsletter content focused on climate change impacts.


Friends of Wilson Lake:
Article “Impacts of climate change on a Lake Near You”








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