With this recent hot weather, water clarity in North Pond has worsened. Clarity went from 7 feet on Wednesday to 4 feet on Friday, which means the lake is experiencing a full lake bloom, per the definition of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. This aerial photo shot by 7 Lakes Board member Alex Wall shows the conditions on North Pond as of Saturday, July 23.
7 Lakes Alliance and North Pond Association are actively monitoring the lake, including conducting testing for the algal toxin microcystin. Toxin tests were conducted Friday, July 22, on shoreline sites on Northshore Drive, Fairview Grange and Pine Tree Camp; all came back negative. 7 Lakes Alliance recommends avoiding prolonged contact with green water, and avoiding surface scums entirely.
Please visit the Maine DEP website for more information on blooms and toxins, along with other recommendations for camp owners.