We would like to invite you to a Great Pond Science Q&A session with Dr. Danielle Wain from 7 Lakes Alliance and Dr. Whitney King from Colby on January 21st, at 6:30pm. In this session, we will answer any questions about the science behind the Watershed Based Management Plan, as we we did not have time to go into much of the science detail in the public meeting. This will not be a formal presentation, but rather an open session to answer your science questions. If you have specific questions you would like us to address, please e-mail them to me ahead of time at danielle.wain@7lakesalliance.org - while this is not required, and we will also answer questions posed during the session, if we have questions ahead of time then we can prepare any graphs or diagrams that might be helpful in answering those questions.
There is no need to pre-register for this session. Zoom info is:
Topic: Great Pond Science Q&A Time: Jan 21, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 881 5972 4248 Passcode: goldie One tap mobile +16465588656,,88159724248# US (New York) +13017158592,,88159724248# US (Washington D.C)