Date/time: Wednesday May 11, 6:30 p.m.
Location: virtual (zoom will be recorded)
The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will hold a public meeting via zoom to discuss and answer questions about their proposed herbicide treatment to significantly reduce the invasive milfoil infestation in Great Meadow Stream, Great Pond. The treatment is projected for June, 2022.
7 Lakes Alliance and the Belgrade Lakes Association both support this proposal. For over a decade, many partners have worked diligently to minimize and contain the Great Pond infestation but a significant threat remains. This targeted treatment could help us continue to keep this ecologically, recreationally and economically damaging infestation from spreading throughout Great Pond, to Long Pond and beyond. 7 Lakes will help monitor the treatment, assist with aquatic plant screenings and water quality testing, and conduct public outreach before and after the treatment. Please feel free to call Sharon Mann, 7 Lakes Aquatic Invasive Program Director at (603) 205-3912 with comments or questions.
The Maine Department of Environmental Protection’s Invasive Aquatic Species Program (IASP) is proposing an herbicide treatment this summer for portions of Great Meadow Stream and Great Pond to control the invasive aquatic plant variable-leaved water-milfoil (Myriophyllum heterophyllum). The treatment goal is to diminish the variable-leaved water-milfoil in Great Meadow Stream to reduce risk of spread of this invasive plant and allow future management with non-chemical control methods.
The IASP will hold a public meeting regarding this proposed herbicide treatment on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 starting at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be on Zoom and will be recorded for subsequent viewing. The link to the meeting is If needed, the Meeting ID is 836 5214 8490 and Passcode: fu9BXYG=.
The area proposed for treatment in 2022 is Great Meadow Stream from the Route 225 bridge in Rome/Smithfield downstream to where the stream enters Great Pond. Please see attached map.
The IASP will file an application, called a Notice of Intent (NOI), with the DEP’s Division of Water Quality Management. The application is for a permit to discharge the aquatic herbicide Procellacor EC (active ingredient florpyrauxifen-benzyl) via subsurface injection through perforated hose from a surface watercraft. The treatment will occur in June or July 2022, exact date to be determined. Additional possible treatment areas for 2023 and after will be shown in the permit application.