No invasive milfoil was found this spring in Great Meadow Stream after last summer’s herbicide treatment. 7 Lakes Alliance will continue to monitor the treatment area, as regrowth has been observed in similar treatment areas, including Annabessacook Lake.

The surface use restriction prohibiting motorcraft from entering Great Meadow Stream will continue for another year through December. Paddle craft are welcome (and encouraged) to experience the beauty of Great Meadow Stream, which provides habitat to a variety of waterfowl, rare plants and other wildlife.
Three small streams in the north of Great Pond – Rome Trout Brook (aka Turner’s Brook), Robbins Mill Stream, and Swann’s Brook – still have small infestations of invasive variable-leaf milfoil. Our crew continues to manually remove and cover invasive plants in these areas.
No herbicide treatments are planned for 2023 at this time.