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Demonstrating Sustainable Forestry on 7 Lakes Alliance’s Kelley Property

Updated: Aug 19, 2020

7 Lakes Alliance is working with foresters from Two Trees Forestry, a

Winthrop based consultancy, to plan and administer a selective timber

harvest on 7 Lakes land this summer. The goal is to improve the growing

conditions for the woodlot’s best oak, pine, and sugar maple, as well as

diversifying wildlife habitat through patch cuts. We will focus on practices

that produce conservation benefits.

This timber harvest was deemed appropriate due to the lack of significant

riparian features or unique wildlife habitats, the minimal recreational use

of the land, the well-drained and stable soils, and the site’s excellent

potential to grow valuable, high-quality forest products. This is a great opportunity to serve as an example of what quality forest management

and exceptional logging can look like. We will offer discussions on how landowners might modify their harvest plans to better protect soil and water resources, wildlife habitats, and cultural features.

Two Trees Forestry and 7 Lakes Alliance will lead public tours of the

harvest once the project gets underway, date and time TBA; we welcome

all to attend and join the conversation.

— Jon Doty, Two Trees Forestry



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