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COVID-19 Message

A message from our CEO

Dear 7 Lakes Alliance Friends and Supporters, I hope this message finds you and your family safe and well. As we all try to stay connected to the people and places we love while social distancing, it is gratifying to know that our community continues to embrace the lands and waters that you have helped us to protect. These lands would not be here for all of us without your support. The importance of land conservation and outdoor recreation is further reinforced in the state’s current “Stay Healthy at Home” mandate, which lists “outdoor exercise activities, such as walking, hiking, running or biking” as being essential personal activities. As increasing numbers of hikers visit the trails we own or care for, we are working closely with state officials and stay up-to-date on guidelines to keep all members of our community safe.  In other news, I am excited to report that we recently completed two land conservation projects, which cumulatively conserve an additional 253 acres in the Belgrade Lakes region. This includes an easement in Rome and donation of a spectacular property in Mount Vernon, protecting headwater streams, wetlands, and lake front. We expect to complete two more land projects in the weeks ahead that will put 7 Lakes protected lands over an exciting milestone! Stay tuned for additional information about these special places and the wonderful people who make these projects possible. 7 Lakes staff continues to work remotely, making good progress in all areas of our mission. As summer approaches, we’re preparing to do everything we can, as soon as we can, to protect our watershed from harmful erosion, invasive plants and to keep our community connected to nature. Things are changing daily, so we are planning, adapting and being creative about how best to protect lakes and lands we all love. As program planning evolves, we will keep you posted.   Most of all, stay well and stay in touch, Laura Rose Day, President & CEO



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